creative therapy
creative therapy pod
staying safe as a creative professional

staying safe as a creative professional

beginner series: 3 of 3

we're sharing tips on how to stay safe, boundaries, mindset and what we've learned through our experiences. 

we talk all about: 

  • why we need to look out for each other and talk about this 

  • contracts and how to set yourself up for safety from the get-go

  • what red flags to look out for and how to set boundaries

  • tips and tricks for staying safe on set

  • and more...

basically, we packed this with information, resources, and personal experiences to help you progress further, and avoid the newbie mistakes we already made.


giveaway closed :)


creative therapy
creative therapy pod
an experiential podcast with and for our friends. hosted by learda shkurti and daniela brown Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>