creative therapy
creative therapy pod
honoring your boundaries and being confident in your work

honoring your boundaries and being confident in your work

with our dear friend, ghosterwriter, and creative genius megan okonsky

we got together to talk about....

  • setting and honoring your boundaries in your personal life and work

  • how to become a digital nomad WITHOUT having to pay a coach or program to help you do it

  • being confident in your work, and celebrating your wins

  • the lack of representation around healthy LGTBQ+ relationships, and the problem with fast paced media

megan okonsky is a ghostwriter specializing in producing engaging and exciting books, scripts, and other marketing materials for business owners and leaders. She has been working as a freelance writer since 2015, with a few years of living the "digital nomad" life under her belt. today, she is based in austin, tx and freelances full-time.



creative therapy
creative therapy pod
an experiential podcast with and for our friends. hosted by learda shkurti and daniela brown Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>