creative therapy
creative therapy pod
creative passions, the film industry + directing a film during the pandemic

creative passions, the film industry + directing a film during the pandemic

with filmmaker kelly riot

kelly is an austin filmmaker specializing in the action / martial arts genre. in her teens she moved to los angeles and got her start in the film industry as a hair & makeup artist for film, television, and music videos. as she branched out and began to experience other aspects of the film industry she found her passion for cinematography and directing. upon moving to austin she worked as a professional photographer and immersed herself in understanding the interaction of light and movement on camera. she is now working consistently as a cinematographer and director on multiple award winning projects.

in this episode we talk all about:

  • balancing a creative passion with a creative career

  • how to get into the film industry

  • how to succeed as a freelancer and not get stuck in the safety bubble

  • industry rates 

  • writing and directing a film to sort through your personal issues during a pandemic

give kelly & her new film some love:

giveaway closed :)


creative therapy
creative therapy pod
an experiential podcast with and for our friends. hosted by learda shkurti and daniela brown Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>